November 26

 Chinese lantern


The plants had to come in early this year. They don't love being indoors, but at least they're alive.


Mikweed pods have burst open.

A little indigo





Snow began to fall on Halloween morning. 

The leaves have started falling , creating a lovely carpet under the serviceberry. (Never mind the bits of trash....:)

In just one day the world seems to change!




The sweet Service-berry is beginning to glow. In every season it is a beauty.


I desided to take a little break from dyeing silk and linen. The cooler days made me turn to wool for spinning and crocheting. It's hard to decide what to make - scarves, hats, or should I dye enough to crochet a blanket....? I've said it for years, but one of these days, I'm going to try felting.


This rose reminds me of the brick-red madder shade.


September morning glories

These morning glories began blooming in earnest a few weeks ago. They always take a long time to get started, but are truly worth the wait! 

Late September


Lakr Michigan is only about 20 minutes away from home, but for some strange reason, I hadn't visited it in years.

The air was baking hot, and the water was deliciously cool.

It helps to change the routine once in a while.

 Back to work, inspired by the lake.

August 9

The picture is a liitle blurry, but look at the right side of the flower - it's a baby praying-mantis!

I didn't even see him until I put this picture on the computer....:)

Granny's Birthday

 This is my Grandmother's birthday. She shared her love of life, color, art, beauty and growth with all of us.


 Granny would be 115 years old today!




How quickly the summer days race along! The garden calls to me even in my dreams.

The delphiniums are my latest loves....

The colors and fragrances, watering and weeding are distracting me from dyeing or spinning or sewing...


Not entirely though...:)


June 20

Quiet misty morning. Our youngest son will fly away today.

The days rush along so quickly. It's good to notice the small and wonderful changes.

Classic June

The un-mowed patch of grass on the corner was like a silvery-green sea this morning.


Happy morning

Our youngest son is coming home today to vist after a really long time.

This is a  very happy morning...:)



In the midst of major tidy-ing up, I came across these little odds and ends of wool yarn. They were dyed with cochineal, indigo, and coreopsis flowers.


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