December 9 2022


 It's been such a long time since I've added anything to this little blog.

The months have marched along, full of wonder, action and beauty. It's impossible to gather them back, but it's not too late to begin sharing again.


The bird bath

 The neighbor's magnificent elm tree was cut down this September.  The process was very unsettling, to put it mildly.


A small part of the cut down elm tree.


 I asked for a couple of the logs. The birds and cats take turns perching on them.


Happy morning

Our youngest son is coming home today to vist after a really long time.

This is a  very happy morning...:)



In the midst of major tidy-ing up, I came across these little odds and ends of wool yarn. They were dyed with cochineal, indigo, and coreopsis flowers.


June 4 2019


 Summer in this old neighborhood. The next-door neighbor's porch is crumbling, The big elm tree had to be trimmed a bit more.

Beauty lives in both growth and decline.


 Chubby robin children on the front porch yesterday evening


 I love this part of town.


Elm tree

There is an old elm tree growing between our house and the neighbor's house.

This tree is beautiful. It's branches are like an umbrella, giving deep shade on summer days and even some cover from the rain. Ive seen so many birds in the branches - woodpeckers, thrushes, nuthatches, robins, cardinals, blackbirds, finches,warblers,and of course, the sparrows. The squirrels race up  and down and use it as a  pathway to their home in the hole they've made under the gutter. One day I saw a racoon sleeping on the edge of the roof.

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