March 5 2020


New batches of madder roots and onion skins soaking in the sunshine.


 Checking the color of the madder brew


Hemp and indigo shibori 


 A bit of bloom


 About to bloom!


October 30 2018

Several limbs of the beautiful old Kwanzan cherry had to be removed. The backyard is very different now.  The light is harsher and when I go outdoors I feel more exposed.

At least the hickory tree out front is still full. A pair of downy woodpeckers visited yesterday. I don't know who made this giant nest = maybe squirrels?

Some of the day's work. Handspun wool and indigo.

Clearing out the boxes

For the last couple weeks I've been slowly emptying and sorting  through boxes and baskets and stacks of fabrics. Many of them are leftovers from other projects. A lot are pieces that I didn't love at the time and put away, thinking I'd "fix" them someday...

Gathering linen


In the moments between visitors, phone calls and household chores, I sorted, washed, and ironed  some odds and ends of indigo dyed linen fabric.

These are some of the leftovers from experiments and bits of fabrics I dyed and put away thinking I might use them in the future. They add up quickly.


 Yellow and indigo moon.


None of these are "perfect", but they're still pretty good.

Id like to be able to mimic these patterns!


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