August 15 2024

The finches love the sunflowers.  If you look closely, you'll see him.  Every spring I say there's not enough room for sunflowers, but a few plant themselves anyway.  They're great! I really have to plant some on purpose next year.


I've been working on dyeing more silk threads, though it's really too hot for much outdoor activity.


These madder roots were dug up last fall.

May, 2024



One rainy morning we discovered this little guy in the kitchen. He was hiding in a corner, surrounded by the cats!  Luckily, they seemed pretty puzzled by him. We shooed the cats out of the room, and It was pretty easy to coax him into a cat carrier with nuts and peanut butter on bread.

I put the carrier outside under the cherry tree,  but he finished the rest of his trearts  before scampering up.




Spring arrived soon this year. Peonies, delphiniums and roses are blooming about 3 weeks early.


November 7 2023


 Madder roots

I dug up some of the madder roots that have been creeping toward the neighbor's yard. This part of the patch has been growing for over 10 years. 


These were very easy to chop with the garden clippers. I'll let them dry for a while, but it's hard to wait!


December 11 2022

Madder root dye on wool yarn

 Wool yarn dyed with madder.


The variety of shades makes me wish I had much more yarn and madder!

March 24 2021




Last year's madder stalks 

The bloodroot has a touch of pink this year

March 5 2020


New batches of madder roots and onion skins soaking in the sunshine.


 Checking the color of the madder brew


Hemp and indigo shibori 


 A bit of bloom


 About to bloom!




The sweet Service-berry is beginning to glow. In every season it is a beauty.


I desided to take a little break from dyeing silk and linen. The cooler days made me turn to wool for spinning and crocheting. It's hard to decide what to make - scarves, hats, or should I dye enough to crochet a blanket....? I've said it for years, but one of these days, I'm going to try felting.


This rose reminds me of the brick-red madder shade.


Madder silks


I've been gathering amd sorting some madder dyed silks .





Raw silk




I dyed some hemp silk fabrics with madder roots and indigo. This is one of my very favorite,most intersting kinds of fabric.


 This piece of hemp/silk  dyed with madder seems to echo the tulip shades.


 The madder patch is thriving


August sunrise and madder


Early morning on the back porch . The sunrises seem different lately. The angle of the light is interesting.I guess this is always true, but I'm sure noticing it a lot these days.

Interesting morning sky


As usual lately, I'm still dyeing silk threads. Before dyeing the silk is exquisite.


Dyed with madder roots. I love the wide and surprising range of warm shades from madder.


The morning's work wound up.


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