Happy morning

Our youngest son is coming home today to vist after a really long time.

This is a  very happy morning...:)



In the midst of major tidy-ing up, I came across these little odds and ends of wool yarn. They were dyed with cochineal, indigo, and coreopsis flowers.


Warmth and inspiration!

bBloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)

 Suddenly it's warm! The garden is joyful and beautiful. The back-yard colors inspire natural dyeing.

These silks were dyed with walnut hulls, coreopsis flowers, weld and indigo


Violet shades from madder, lac and indigo

King Alfred Daffodils

Greens, yellow and blues from weld, coreopsis flowers and indigo

The very brave Scilla


Warm morning sky

I'm very grateful for this rare, lovely and warm Spring day.


Indoor dyeing

It's so cold that I'm restricted to indoor projects. This has put a halt to most indigo dyeing since I can't air any wet textiles outside. They freeze almost instantly, and trying to unpin them from the clothesline is really hard.

Frozen hemp

Right now my outdoor dye-work is limited to hurried picture-taking.




December Silks

December has been filled with beauty and busy-ness. Happily, I've been able to squeeze in some of my favorite projects, including the dyeing of more silk threads.

After soaking in alum


Indigo and weld

Cochineal, madder and indigo

Baby pastels (indgo, madder, weld, walnut)

More madder and cochineal

  Coreopsis flowers, weld and madder

Walnut hulls

Cochineal and madder

Walnut, cochineal and madder

Cochineal and snow


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