May 11


 Woad in bloom. Simple and sweetly scented.


It looks a little weedy next to the fancy tulips, but it's just as precious to me.


April 18

 April is the change-iest month! This is how things looked last Sunday.


Cold woad plant


Poor daffodils

Chilly scilla

T    Today the serviceberry is about to bloom.

And the daffodils are fine!


April 11

Bloodroot  ( Sanguiria canadensis)

After such a long winter, the garden in  April is a thrill!


 May apples  (Podophyllum peltatum)

The May apples begin like little umbrellas


 Red Trillium (Trillium erectum)

These trilliums will have gorgeous garnet-red blooms




 This patch of blue began as a dozen little bulbs many years ago..


Woad (Isatis tinctoria)

Testing the germination of some woad seeds. Despite cold, wet and windy weather, so far, so good.


 So far, July has been packed with projects and flowers

 Indigo and cochineal shibori scarves


Hand-spun silk yarn dyed with  woad

More Naturally dyed embroidery silks




Woad in bloom

The woad plants are in full bloom. The masses of flowers are as bright as sunlight. To me they smell like honey.

Woad is bold in every stage. The large seeds are colorful, with hints of purple and green.

Woad seeds    

Happy volunteer


Top-heavy with yellow

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