May, 2024



One rainy morning we discovered this little guy in the kitchen. He was hiding in a corner, surrounded by the cats!  Luckily, they seemed pretty puzzled by him. We shooed the cats out of the room, and It was pretty easy to coax him into a cat carrier with nuts and peanut butter on bread.

I put the carrier outside under the cherry tree,  but he finished the rest of his trearts  before scampering up.




Spring arrived soon this year. Peonies, delphiniums and roses are blooming about 3 weeks early.



 The garden is so full of color!


Late delphiniums tiger lilys and coreopsis




August 2021

A tiny baby bunny has come to visit the backyard. He loves eating the parsley, plantain and little scraggles of weedy grass.



Though I'm certain many gardeners would not welcome such a visitor to the vegetable patch, I'm so happy to see this little guy. It's very special to see wild critters in the yard. There have been loads of interesting birds. about 100 squirrels, even racoons, but never a bunny.


I just hope he won't eat the indigo!


August 2020


 The outside world is very strange and it's not so dependable right now. Routines have been obliterated, and the ordinary has been lost. In our city of Chicago, each day contains unwelcome surprises.

The backyard world of the garden is true and dependable. There are always changes, mostly gradual and sensible. Every year the garden is a little different, but always a delight.

These Japanese morning glories have just begun blooming. Since the days have been so hot here, the flowers don't last very long. They sort of melt in the hot morning sunshine.

Warmer day


Just when it seems like Winter is forever.......




The sweet Service-berry is beginning to glow. In every season it is a beauty.


I desided to take a little break from dyeing silk and linen. The cooler days made me turn to wool for spinning and crocheting. It's hard to decide what to make - scarves, hats, or should I dye enough to crochet a blanket....? I've said it for years, but one of these days, I'm going to try felting.


This rose reminds me of the brick-red madder shade.


September morning glories

These morning glories began blooming in earnest a few weeks ago. They always take a long time to get started, but are truly worth the wait! 

Granny's Birthday

 This is my Grandmother's birthday. She shared her love of life, color, art, beauty and growth with all of us.


 Granny would be 115 years old today!



June 4 2019


 Summer in this old neighborhood. The next-door neighbor's porch is crumbling, The big elm tree had to be trimmed a bit more.

Beauty lives in both growth and decline.


 Chubby robin children on the front porch yesterday evening


 I love this part of town.


June 2019


Lots of rain lately. The columbines are blooming.


It's fun to plant a packet of mived color columbine seeds. These were planted last year  and the blooms are a lovely suprise.I love their color and shape.


Sunlight between storms. (Yes, the garage has seen better days.)

Muddy path


Dry land!

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