New friends


Batman, ( despite the name, she is a girl kitty)


Batman and Slinky




Fresh indigo

A basket of indigo leaves

After grinding the leaves with ice water

The beautiful green brew


 Silk scarf and fabric airing. There are lots of indigo leaf bits still to be washed and rinsed away.


August 2020


 The outside world is very strange and it's not so dependable right now. Routines have been obliterated, and the ordinary has been lost. In our city of Chicago, each day contains unwelcome surprises.

The backyard world of the garden is true and dependable. There are always changes, mostly gradual and sensible. Every year the garden is a little different, but always a delight.

These Japanese morning glories have just begun blooming. Since the days have been so hot here, the flowers don't last very long. They sort of melt in the hot morning sunshine.



Indigo, cochineal and silk


June 26

It's nearly the end of June. The earth is full of fantastic colors and shapes.

 Some of the delphiniums have begun to bloom. I planted another tray of mixed color delphinium seeds this spring. We'll have to wait until next summer to see what shades they'll be.


April snow

As usual, April  weather is up and down and mostly down.



Our Daisy


Sweet. brave. funny, loyal, and beautiful


It seems like I can still feel her wonderful fur.


March 5 2020


New batches of madder roots and onion skins soaking in the sunshine.


 Checking the color of the madder brew


Hemp and indigo shibori 


 A bit of bloom


 About to bloom!


Warmer day


Just when it seems like Winter is forever.......


February 27


The start of another destashing session... It's surprising how quickly new projects crowd out the old. So often I think I'll work a little more on a piece, maybe try to develop the color more, but the day is already filled with other work, so I put it away for "later". Later doesn't come.  The sensiible thing is to gather up some of these and list them for sale as they are, spots, speckles, and all.


Groups of indigo dyed napkkins. Most have a little dyeing mistake, but the I think the fabrics are still lovely.


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