It's nearly the end of June. The earth is full of fantastic colors and shapes.

 Some of the delphiniums have begun to bloom. I planted another tray of mixed color delphinium seeds this spring. We'll have to wait until next summer to see what shades they'll be.


This night blooming cereus had five flowers in one night. Usually, the buds are just starting to form at this time of year, but these developed very early. The flowers looked and smelled heavenly. I tried pollinating the blooms with paintbrushes. We'll see if this results in any dragon fruits ...:)



Lola Oberbrunner

What a beautiful creation it was so amazing and just loved your colorful creations idea for the party. I really hope you have enjoyed the best in your party with them. I just got to know about it through cvcentre blogs. I don't know that we can create our own colors from the flowers.

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