April 18

 April is the change-iest month! This is how things looked last Sunday.


Cold woad plant


Poor daffodils

Chilly scilla

T    Today the serviceberry is about to bloom.

And the daffodils are fine!


April 11

Bloodroot  ( Sanguiria canadensis)

After such a long winter, the garden in  April is a thrill!


 May apples  (Podophyllum peltatum)

The May apples begin like little umbrellas


 Red Trillium (Trillium erectum)

These trilliums will have gorgeous garnet-red blooms




 This patch of blue began as a dozen little bulbs many years ago..


Woad (Isatis tinctoria)

Testing the germination of some woad seeds. Despite cold, wet and windy weather, so far, so good.