

 I often receive customer requests for more green silks. This is always a welcome excuse to experiment with shades of yellow and indigo


 Sometimes the yellow comes from coreopsis flowers. Even the red ones give yellow dye.


Reaching naturally dyed green is intersting and challenging

It's so rewarding to see the different, (un-repeatable) shades!




Summer is ripening


 Phlox has a sweet, somehow sad fragrance


To commemorate the end of July, I made a small harvest of Japanese Indigo leaves yesterday. . I dyed some silk organza.

June 16


It's very hot with temperatures in the 90's and high humidity.. Outdoors really smells like summer.. The scent is both sharp and sweet. It reminds me of summers past.

The heat makes it hard for me to work on anything besides spinning hemp fiber into yarn. and dyeing it with indigo.


I've also kept up dyeing the silk thread.

Silk threads dyed with indigo, coreopsis flowers,walnut hulls and madder

March sunlight

The sun is so beautiful and srtong in March. I'm always amazed at the way the March sun shows the tiniest details. Sunrise in the plant room is a quiet joy.

I've been working with osage orange sawdust and silk thread. Here the sink is soaking in rinse water.

Here it is hanging to dry in the plant room.

The yellow color seems to deepen in the air.

Spring green



Silk, indigo and weld

December Silks

December has been filled with beauty and busy-ness. Happily, I've been able to squeeze in some of my favorite projects, including the dyeing of more silk threads.

After soaking in alum


Indigo and weld

Cochineal, madder and indigo

Baby pastels (indgo, madder, weld, walnut)

More madder and cochineal

  Coreopsis flowers, weld and madder

Walnut hulls

Cochineal and madder

Walnut, cochineal and madder

Cochineal and snow


Vintage Sari Silk






Pansy Dye

Since May, I've been picking pansy flowers and saving them in the freezer. At first I kept individual colors in their own bags - purples and blues together, yellows and oranges in their own bags, etc..Lately, I've just been stuffing them all together so now I have to separate them.

A few fresh blue pansies  for the brew

There are mostly purples  and blues in this jar, but since I wasn't very careful. there are a few bits and pieces of pinks and yellow flowers

Yellows and oranges

June morning

June morning

It's so fine to step outside barefoot,without a sweater, and get started right away. On most mornings,this means just wandering around in wonder and amazement.for awhile.

The backyard is not big, but the cherry tree doesn't seem to mind.

The blackbirds and squirrels .are ready to pounce!

A clothesline fiull of projects

 Silk organza after soaking overnight in alum water

 Another piece of organza dyed with indigo

Vintage linen napkins

May color reminders

To celebrate the beautiful rich shades of the May garden, I've started a little purple, pink and indigo dyeing project.Yesterday I mordanted some silk scarves and wool with alum. After soaking overnight, they were ready to drink up the colors. I'm using madder, lac and indigo.


 This is my favorite weather for gardening and dyeing - fresh and damp without harsh sunlight.

Pink, purple,and indigo in layers of wet color

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