Rose  Henrys' Gold

Thank goodness, the heat has lifted! The air is delicious.This spring I went a little overboard with buying roses. The hardware store had heaps of plastic wrapped bare-root roses in a bin for about $4.00 each. Most of them are hybrid teas which I thought I didn't like because of their rather stiff and poky shape, During the very cold, long spring this year I just couldn't resist - (I felt sorry for them lying in those deep, dark bins.)  Over the weeks, I wound up collecting about 15 new ones. Of course in our backyard there isn't very much room for so many, but...:) Here are a few that have begun blooming

Rose  Mr. Burns


Rose Pink Peace - the fragrance is perfection


 Rose Iceberg The pictures are bad but this is really a beautiful and  sweetly fragrant creature


Rose Cocoa Amour

Every year the garden is a little different. These new roses are a joy.



I love this new collection of roses contains good and fresh fragrance roses. The collection includes the red, white, orange roses on here and the pink rose also looks very beautiful.

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