August 2021

A tiny baby bunny has come to visit the backyard. He loves eating the parsley, plantain and little scraggles of weedy grass.



Though I'm certain many gardeners would not welcome such a visitor to the vegetable patch, I'm so happy to see this little guy. It's very special to see wild critters in the yard. There have been loads of interesting birds. about 100 squirrels, even racoons, but never a bunny.


I just hope he won't eat the indigo!


March 24 2021




Last year's madder stalks 

The bloodroot has a touch of pink this year



Celandine from Mom's garden




Impatiens balfouri  seedlings


A little more snow

February 2021


 Morning sun and snow on the garage


 A couple days later...the roof caved in and the sides fell out!  Not very surprising, but still amazing.....Called the insurance company.  We'll see what's next.


 Indoors, the orchids are happy. This lovely slipper orchid has been  in the family for at least 15 years. I've decided to make myself like and learn about orchids, even though they're weird, stiff, and can be expensive.


 These moth orchids are new from the grocery store.


Sad flowers

 The indigo patch in early November. Little did we know what was to come.


 Sad flowers



New friends


Batman, ( despite the name, she is a girl kitty)


Batman and Slinky




Fresh indigo

A basket of indigo leaves

After grinding the leaves with ice water

The beautiful green brew


 Silk scarf and fabric airing. There are lots of indigo leaf bits still to be washed and rinsed away.


August 2020


 The outside world is very strange and it's not so dependable right now. Routines have been obliterated, and the ordinary has been lost. In our city of Chicago, each day contains unwelcome surprises.

The backyard world of the garden is true and dependable. There are always changes, mostly gradual and sensible. Every year the garden is a little different, but always a delight.

These Japanese morning glories have just begun blooming. Since the days have been so hot here, the flowers don't last very long. They sort of melt in the hot morning sunshine.



Indigo, cochineal and silk


June 26

It's nearly the end of June. The earth is full of fantastic colors and shapes.

 Some of the delphiniums have begun to bloom. I planted another tray of mixed color delphinium seeds this spring. We'll have to wait until next summer to see what shades they'll be.


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